Ohio Southeast Economic Development, OhioMeansJobs Lawrence County, Ironton-Lawrence County Community Action Hosting OH•ZONE: A Virtual Career Fair
To aid local businesses in recovering from the effects of COVID-19, The Ohio Southeast Economic Development, OhioMeansJobs Gallia, Jackson, Lawrence County, Ironton-Lawrence County Community Action Organization, and Gallia County Economic & Community Development are hosting OH•Zone, a Virtual Career Fair, on August 10, 2021 from 10am to 2pm.
The goal is to help Ohio Workers find employment while helping regional employers build a qualified, motivated workforce.
“The virtual career fair will help to connect prospective employees and local companies to meet local workforce needs,” said Kara Willis (Ohio Southeast).
This fully virtual, online event will feature several Ohio Companies with a variety of local job opportunities in Gallia, Jackson, and Lawrence Counties. Participating employers will have virtual booths on Brazen.com featuring open positions across a wide variety of industries and at varying experience levels.
“Our goal through the virtual career fair is to connect area businesses with active jobseekers in a safe online environment that allows for live personal interaction,” said Elisha Orsbon (Gallia County Economic & Community Development).
Job seekers are encouraged to register for the event and upload their resumes early. This allows them to display their qualifications, explore the available opportunities, learn more about the participating companies, and sign up for helpful reminders prior to the event.
On the day of the event, job seekers can login to brazen.com and safely connect with multiple participating employers from the comfort of their computers or mobile devices.
Job Seekers can register for the OH•Zone event by clicking here.
JobsOhio is a private nonprofit corporation designed to drive job creation and new capital investment in Ohio through business attraction, retention and expansion efforts.