New Duplex for C.H.O.I.C.E.S.
847 North Fifth Street
Ironton, Ohio 45638
Ironton Lawrence County CAO
305 N 5th Street
Ironton, OH 45638
Contact for Bid Specifications:
Cindy Anderson
305 N 5th Street, Ironton OH 45638
740.352.3534 Ext. 12031
Randall C. Mullins, Architect
3895 Lick Run Lyra Road
Wheelersburg, Ohio 45694
Sealed bids will be received at the office of Ron Henderson, Ironton-Lawrence County CAO, 305 North Fifth Street, Ironton, Ohio 45638 until 10:00 am E.D.T. on Friday, February 8, 2019. Bids will be opened in public and read aloud.
The owner is accepting lump sum bids from contractors. Each bid proposal shall include all labor, materials, and services necessary to complete the project in strict accordance with the drawings and specifications as prepared by Randall C. Mullins, Architect, 3895 Lick Run Lyra Road, Wheelersburg, Ohio, 45694.
Prior to submitting a proposal, each bidder shall examine and thoroughly familiarize himself with all existing conditions, including all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that may affect the work. Bidders shall visit the site, examine the grounds, utilities, and roads, and shall ascertain by any reasonable means all conditions that might in any manner affect the work. The drawings have been prepared on the basis of surveys and inspections of the site, and are intended to present an essentially accurate indication of the physical conditions at the site. This, however, shall not relieve the bidder of the necessity for fully informing himself as to existing physical conditions.
A Pre-Bid meeting has been scheduled for 10:00 a.m. E.D.T. on Friday, February 1, 2018 at the job site which is 847 North Fifth Street, Ironton, Ohio 45638.
This is a public bid. Bidders may obtain (1) full set of plans and (1) bid manual from the Owner at no charge. Electronic documents (pdf) of this project can also be obtained from the Owner at no charge.
The project is subject to the following special provisions:
- Owner is tax exempt.
- Project is NOT subject to State of Ohio Prevailing Wage Rates.
- A Performance and Payment Bond is required.
- Insurance requirements.
- Construction shall be completed within 180 consecutive calendar days.
- Project is subject to liquidated damages for failing to complete the project within the specified time.