Overview of OhioMeansJobs Website including Features & Benefits, Posting Resumes, Job Searching, using Backpack, etc. *Schedule Subject to change, feel free to contact us at 740-532-3140 or stop by with any questions.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
Overview of OhioMeansJobs Website including Features & Benefits, Posting Resumes, Job Searching, using Backpack, etc. *Schedule Subject to change, feel free to contact us at 740-532-3140 or stop by with any questions.
OhioMeansJobs will be offering a Holiday Job Hunting Workshop on Monday, December 5th from 2:00 to 3:00 pm! Discuss common misconceptions of holiday job hunting and how to get the most out of your search during the time and get a leg up on the competition. *Schedule subject to change. Call 740-532-3140 with any questions.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
Most Wednesdays (Subject to change), an EOC representative will be available to assist with resources towards educational goals, such as FASFA questions, etc. Call 740-547-3875 for more information.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
This free workshop provided by Portsmouth Legal Aid Office will provide information and forms on items that can be self-directed. Registration not required. *Schedule Subject to change, feel free to contact us at 740-532-3140 or stop by with any questions.
Overview of OhioMeansJobs Website including Features & Benefits, Posting Resumes, Job Searching, using Backpack, etc. *Schedule Subject to change, feel free to contact us at 740-532-3140 or stop by with any questions.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
Most Wednesdays (Subject to change), an EOC representative will be available to assist with resources towards educational goals, such as FASFA questions, etc. Call 740-547-3875 for more information.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
Overview of OhioMeansJobs Website including Features & Benefits, Posting Resumes, Job Searching, using Backpack, etc. *Schedule Subject to change, feel free to contact us at 740-532-3140 or stop by with any questions.
The Lawrence County Early Childhood Academy is hosting a recruiting event at the OMJ One-Stop Center! This event will be held on Monday, December 19th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
OhioMeansJobs will be offering a Time Management and Delegation Workshop at the One-Stop Center on Monday, December 19th from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.*Subject to change. Call 740-532-3140 with any questions.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
The OMJ One-Stop center will be offering mock interviewing on Wednesday, December 21st. Please call 740-532-3140 with any questions or to schedule an appointment.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
All of our offices will be closed Monday, December 26th in observance of the Christmas holiday. We will resume normal operating hours Tuesday, December 27th.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
OhioMeansJobs will be offering a Resume Reviewing at the One-Stop Center on Wednesday, December 28th Call 740-532-3140 with any questions or stop in for reviewing.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.