Overview of OhioMeansJobs Website including Features & Benefits, Posting Resumes, Job Searching, using Backpack, etc. *Schedule Subject to change, feel free to contact us at 740-532-3140 or stop by with any questions.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
Most Wednesdays (Subject to change), an EOC representative will be available to assist with resources towards educational goals, such as FASFA questions, etc. Call 740-547-3875 for more information.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
Overview of OhioMeansJobs Website including Features & Benefits, Posting Resumes, Job Searching, using Backpack, etc. *Schedule Subject to change, feel free to contact us at 740-532-3140 or stop by with any questions.
This workshop will involve critiquing a sample job application as if you were the employer and discuss strategies for improvement and better verbiage. The workshop is open to the public. *Subject to change. Please feel free to contact the OMJ office of Lawrence County at 740-532-3140 for any questions.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
OhioMeansJobs and ILCAO will be hosting a Pop Up! Shop on Tuesday, August 23rd from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm! This event will offer local job information, community resources, resume assistance, and more. This August Pop Up! Shop will be held at Riverview Apartments in Proctorville, Ohio.
Most Wednesdays (Subject to change), an EOC representative will be available to assist with resources towards educational goals, such as FASFA questions, etc. Call 740-547-3875 for more information.
A representative will be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays to do Early Childhood Registrations or answer questions regarding their services. Call 740-533-9077 with any questions.
Bellisio Foods is hiring and will be hosting open interviews at the OMJ One-Stop Center! These open interviews are for positions including food production, maintenance, inventory, and more! This event will be held on Thursday, August 25th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the OMJ One-Stop Center in Ironton. Please bring two forms of [...]
This free workshop provided by Portsmouth Legal Aid Office will provide information and forms on items that can be self-directed. Registration not required. *Schedule Subject to change, feel free to contact us at 740-532-3140 or stop by with any questions.